Crowd Response to The Hulas
"Ron, I just listened to 'Pain,' great song, brought back memories I thought I left at SHS. You guys sound great. You did a superb job on the web site, I check it frequently to see when and where you will be playing next. I hope to see you perform soon." - Andy B. "I was in Market Square today... Great Show! I've never
heard of you before and must admit I'm really impressed. I love your sound. I
have a busy schedule but will make it a point to see you as soon as possible.
I'll certainly catch the live radio show, hopefully I'll see you at Rosebud.
Keep it up - you guys are a BLAST!" - Bill Mahalko |
"Hello Hulas, I just got your CD from a mutual friend of ours, Rob Henry. I felt I must tell you how impressed I was. Snappy beat, excellent songs, you ROCK!!! I hope I get the chance to catch one of your shows." - Leslie
"Hi! Just wanted to drop a few lines to let you know what a great time I had hearing you guys at Rosebud on Tuesday. I just happened to be there and was fortunate enough to catch your show. I love everything about your sound...simply put, you ROCK! Hurry back from L.A., Molly. I look forward to your next gig. Ciao." - Oscar
"Heard you on the X Sunday night and liked your songs. is your CD available any place other than your shows? Thanks." - Dana
"Saw you guys at Market Sq. - Great show." - Sloan Seaman
"Heard you today and you have a great sound! I loved your new CD, especially the song Drama Queen. ...Hope to see you soon at one of the clubs." - Bruce R. May
"Yow, hey, whats up?????? How are you doing? You're so special to me. I love you so much. Keep up the good work, okay? Thanks for being so awesome and for being in my life. Hey, I was wondering if you could autograph a picture for me please. That would be so great cause I love your work, it's the best. You're so special to me forever." - Ryan Roman
"Hey guys, I'd just like to say that your show on Wednesday was excellent!!! Anyway, just wanted to make a few comments... (good ones, of course). Deanna, you have a very incredible and sexy voice (among other things), especially in front of that bass! Molly, your smile is totally infectious... I found myself standing there on Forbes with a stupid grin on my face just watching you. And Ron, hey, you're just the man! An extremely lucky man, at that. Awesome music you guys, keep it up! Thanks for a great time!" - Mike Dzadovsky
"I've just seen your performance for the first time this week and have to admit, I never heard of you until then. Your sound is good, but maybe a little raw, kinda like Elastica (whatever happened to them?). I loved how you closed with a Cure song! Anyway, Deanna has the cutest face I've come across in a long time. Would love to meet you (oh yeah, Molly's pretty too and Ron sounded awesome on the drums)." - Dale Black